
Why does 1+1=3? (If you plan to study in Canada)

2023-10-20 15:50
"Will I be granted a work visa for 1 or 3 years?" - This is a question frequently asked by students and graduates of 1-year programs who aim to secure the opportunity to get the maximum Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) duration of 3 years.

Let's delve into the details of Canada's immigration policy:

  • If a student has studied at an accredited Canadian university and completed a 1-year program (which typically involves 2 or 3 academic semesters or 8-12 months of study), they can expect a PGWP for a duration of 1 calendar year (a full 12 months).
  • If a student has completed a program that spans 2, 3, or 4 years, they can anticipate a PGWP for a duration of 3 calendar years (a full 36 months).
  • Those who have completed two 1-year educational programs should also receive a 3-year post-graduation work permit. This is why this path is often referred to as "1+1=3."

Additional advantages of pursuing a second educational program (aside from the 3-year PGWP):

✔️ You can work an unlimited number of hours between the two programs (up to 150 days) - provided that you were a full-time student in the last semester of your first program.
✔️ You have the flexibility to switch colleges or universities, expanding your network in Canada.
✔️ Some educational institutions offer Loyalty Scholarships if a student stays for a second program at the same university.
✔️ It becomes easier to invite your spouse or family members to Canada because you will have more reasons to justify their arrival.
✔️ You have the opportunity to make a more informed choice for your second program, aligning it with the profession you have a better understanding of after completing the first program.

We would be happy to assist you in selecting a second program that best suits your transition to working in Canada, which you will be applying for when seeking Permanent Resident status.